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Noah's Ark

Noah's Ark

🔥熱銷款 #益智派對桌遊
✔ 認識動物知識
✔ 學習英文單字
✔ 訓練手部力量與耐性
✔ 安全玩具認證

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The game can be played by 1 to 6 players. The ultimate goal is to help the animals onto Noah' s Ark and to keep the Ark balanced so that it does not tip over. It comes with a graphical presentation of the animals and instructions in a wide range of languages so that the instructions are clear. This can help players of all ages and genders to increase their knowledge, improve quantitative and spacial awareness and also increase reflex actions. If the whole family plays together, this can enhance the parent-child relationship.

How many animals can you balance on Noah’s Ark without rocking the boat?
 Noah’s Ark is getting ready to set sail, and 50 animals still need to board. Help all the animals board the Ark by drawing a card and balancing them on Noah’s Ark.

 The game is over when one animal rocks the boat and knocks all the other animals off Noah’s Ark!

Game Includes

 1 Ark
 1 animal facts book
 50 animal figurines
 1 game card deck

Setting Up 

Take out the Ark from the box, remove the bottom piece. (photo 1)
Locate the three pieces making up the base of the Ark: tripod base, black rod, Ark. Assemble the base by attaching the rod to the tripod base. (photo 2)
Balance the Ark on top of the ball-tipped rod. (photo 3)
Take out all the animals.
Shuffle all the animal cards and place them face down next to Noah’s A

How to Play

Draw a card from the deck
Find your animal figurine
Read the fun facts out loud
Place the animal on the Ark without tipping it over!
How to Win

After all the Animal Cards have been drawn, continue placing any animals that you have in front of you on Noah’s Ark.
The first player with no animals in front of them wins!

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